Volumetric divider

Volumetric divider

Interested in a Volumetric Divider? Why Regular Cleaning and Maintenance are Important

If you are thinking of buying a volumetric divider for your business, you need to have a plan place for daily, weekly, and annual maintenance. Keeping up with these schedules will ensure that your machine keeps running efficiently.

The cleaning schedule should be performed by a trained operator. The daily schedule includes making sure the residue tray, outfeed belt, air intake, four dispenser, hopper, lid seal, scraper, and oil filter are clean. The flour dispenser level must also be checked daily.

The machine’s interior must be cleaned weekly. At this time, the hopper seal must be checked. Each year, you will need to schedule an inspection by an approved agent to check the piston seal, oil pump, cam bearings, etc. This work should be recorded in your service booklet for warranty purposes.


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